A Quilling Flower made from wavy Paper Strips


A flower made from coloured quilling paper strips with an added wavy effect. A paper strip is rolled into a coil on a quilling pen. Glue is used to secure the end. The petals are made from three different coloured paper strips which are formed into petal shapes and attached around the edge of the coil.

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How to do it
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1.   Run the different colour paper strips through the quilling crimper which can make a wavy effect.
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2.   Roll a quilling paper strip into a tight coil using a quilling pen.
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3.   Slightly loosen the coil at one end, securing this end with glue.
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4.   Make petals by bending/glueing a paper strip up and down around the coil.
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5.   Attach another two paper strips around the coil, following the petal pattern, adding volume to the petals. NB: it may be necessary to attach the paper strips together – depending on the desired size of the flower.
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