A wealth of practical and useful things
We have many thousands of different products here on our webshop in our main product categories as well as many subcategories. This page is a compilation page for all the subcategories of utensils and other products with practical uses.
As this product range is so wide, it was obvious for us to make a main product category page and then subcategories for the various products to help narrow down the assortment. In short, you'll find many different types of utensils in an array of colours, materials etc.
To make it easier for you to get an overview of our product assortment, you can choose a subcategory higher up the page to see a more focused product range. Examples of subcategories include trays/serving trays, dishes, bottles and jugs, bowls, jam jars and items for office decoration.
Because our assortment of utensils includes well over 100 products, it makes sense for you to select a more specific group of products so that there are fewer items for you to search through.
If however you'd would like to see all the products we sell for this overall group, please feel free to search through them all. Who knows? You might even find one or more things you didn't know you were missing. Sometimes you have to see something before you discover that it would be really useful to have.
Creativity is what characterises all the products on this page
The vast majority of items offer you the opportunity to apply some sort treatment to give them an individual look that's entirely of your own choosing. Some items in our assortment are beautiful in themselves however, and you're quite welcome to leave them untreated.
There are both advantages and disadvantages to leaving the individual products with their raw look, but the advantages of putting your own mark on them is that they become unique and gain a special place in your heart. A mass-produced item can easily be nice, but by painting or decorating it in some way you attach memories to the piece. And if you're thinking about gift ideas, they become so much more valuable when they have a personal touch.
We do need to point out, however, that we cannot accept returned items that have been taken into use, for example ones that you've painted on. As long as the item is unused and you return it within 14 days of your return right, you can get all your money back. There are certain things, such as a deterioration in the condition of the item or missing packaging, that may affect the amount you get back. In addition to the 14-day return policy, you also have a one-year warranty.
Examples of products you can find in the 'utensils' category
The words 'utensils' and 'practical items' are broad terms, as they cover everything from things for the kitchen, office and living room to items for the bathroom and utility room. Some rooms are more obvious places to have utensils, such as the living room and kitchen.
In the kitchen, utensils typically come in the form of dishes, glasses, serving trays, glass dishes, mugs and similar, while utensils for the living room are typically of a more decorative character. Things like napkin holders, wooden reels, serving boats, trivets, bookends and boxes with bamboos are all items that can easily go in both the living room or the dining room. Some things are more obvious for the living room than the dining room, however. It all depends on your interior design and your own preferences.
In short, there is almost no utensil that we don't have, but if you've looked through our entire assortment and you still can't find what you're looking for, then you're most welcome to contact us to ask if this is something we can order for you and thus still deliver. It's also possible that the things you didn't find will be in our webshop at a later date.
Enjoy the little things in life, such as crafting
As I said, you can leave a utensil as it is, but it can be fun to personalise those everyday objects that you can use as well as admire. Because a utensil doesn't just have to be practical.
As many of the products on this page are made of raw wood, it can be nice to paint them or alternatively, you can decorate them with decoupage or fabric. There are many opportunities to be creative with the utensils you buy from our assortment.
A homemade gift for yourself or someone you love can bring joy as you make it and will continue to bring forth smiles later, as you admire it while taking it into use. Whether you’re making a personal item for yourself or someone else, there’s no reason not to be creative and put your personal mark on each item. In most cases, a homemade piece can be enjoyed on an almost daily basis, as there will be pleasant memories associated with either its creation or when the gift was given or received.
As far as we know, we only live once, which is why it’s about making the most of the time we’re here. Taking up a creative pursuit or other hobbies in the form of making beautiful everyday objects and utensils can help make the time go a little slower, as you leave your worries behind for a moment and dive instead into something destressing and creative.
At Creativ Company, we're passionate about DIY
DIY stands for Do It Yourself. DIY projects have become popular in recent times, and we couldn't be more enthusiastic about that. Because we love sharing our passion for creativity and cosy DIY projects.
We're based in Central Jutland, where we are a large group of happy people who are all passionate about creative things. Our physical store is located in the Danish town of Holstebro. We've got thousands of items in stock at our physical store, but our webshop has about double that number. So if you come by our store and there's something you can't find on our shelves, it is possible that you can find it here in the webshop.
If you have any questions regarding the utensils and other everyday items here in our webshop, we’d love to hear from you.