Let spring bloom with creativity

Say goodbye to the cold of winter with this collection of ideas and materials that are sure to make spring extra creative. Be inspired by nature's budding blooms and give your homemade decorations a floral motif that will last all season. Make Easter the high point of your spring, and a time when the whole family comes together over good food, cosy times and creative projects. Here, you'll find suggestions for making creative Easter decorations and Easter eggs using traditional crafting methods such as sewing, crochet and paper cutting.

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Easter is a much-loved holiday and spring's high point. This is where we look forward to more hours of sunshine and enjoy daffodils' bright blooms and cosy traditions. First and foremost, however, Easter is a time for coming together, where we gather the family for Easter egg hunts, Easter dinners and making homemade Easter decorations. So if you’re looking for inspiration, we have plenty of creative activities for Easter that everyone can enjoy, both big and small. This applies to everything from small paper cutting projects to more immersive activities with paint, crepe paper and feathers. 


Invite spring into your home with your own Easter decorations. True to tradition, the Easter chicks need decorating with fuzzy yellow feathers and the Easter eggs need painting bright spring colours. In other words, filling the home with all the decorations that belong to the season: bunnies, chickens and lots and lots of eggs. So, pull out the art supplies and make Easter decorations for the windowsill, the table and those interestingly shaped branches from the garden. 


The Easter egg is spring’s big classic, as this is where you can give some eggs-tra edge to your creativity. When it comes to Easter eggs, there really is something for everyone. We love to eat the chocolate ones, but we love to decorate the other kind, too. If you're more of a traditionalist and like to blow your own eggs, you can paint directly onto the white eggshell. But you can also make Easter eggs out of cardboard and paper, or crochet an Easter egg out of yarn. Whatever look you prefer, you can enjoy Easter vibes all around your home. If you've already got your paintbrushes from the craft box, you can decorate plastic eggs with a simple motif of spring flowers, which traditionally bloom throughout the Easter season. If the windowsill needs a bit of a spring makeover as well, why not cut your own Easter eggs out of cardboard and use them as beautiful hangers. You'll soon feel like quite the eggs-pert!


It's not really Easter without Easter chicks. They're one of the holiday's best-known motifs, but Easter chicks also come in many different shapes and sizes and with a wide range of expressions – all of them, naturally, with plenty of pip-pip! The little yellow Easter friends are a clear favourite with the youngest members of the family, and with the help of some polystyrene eggs and Silk Clay®, children can easily make their own sweet Easter chicks. It's easy to play around with different expressions, because the self-hardening clay is super-easy for small hands to work with. If the fine motor skills could do with an extra push, you can use fuse beads to make small chicks on a pegboard.  

Check out our exciting selection of feathers and down for the Easter chicks – we stock both natural and synthetic feathers.


Jump into our creative universe and meet one of the most popular Easter animals – the Easter Bunny! As a child, we were told that it was the Easter bunny who hides all the Easter eggs around the garden. You can try telling this sweet story as you conjure up an Easter bunny with plaster gauze and polystyrene. Just remember its long ears, big eyes and cute nose, and paint it afterwards in beautiful colours. 


Need a new idea besides the old Easter classics? Why not try your hand at making crepe paper flowers – a spring project where your creativity can really bloom! Swap this season’s fresh flowers for eternity flowers. You can enjoy them over and over again, and they make a beautiful centrepiece for spring's many Easter dinners. For example, try making some fetching daffodils using crepe paper and discover how much they look like the real thing.  Browse our wide range of crepe paper and fall in love with the many beautiful colours on offer.

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