Sewing accessories and tools

Vlieseline for bracing, stuffing for the teddy bear and reflective threads for the jacket. Find that and much more in our large selection of sewing accessories and tools. Here are e.g. zippers, buttons, sewing thread, sewing needles and safety pins - in addition, you can find iron-on marks and patches for e.g. the hole in the trousers. In short, you can find sewing accessories for any project.

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Accessories for your creative projects with needle and thread

Sewing is one of the skills that can be used in many different creative projects. With a needle and thread, you can create almost everything you want to do, making sewing a skill worth learning for all creative souls.

Sewing applies to a wealth of different types of hobby work, including patchwork and homemade Christmas decorations. In other words, the sewing options are many, but to unlock the many possibilities, you must have the right  accessories.

That is why we have gathered all our sewing accessories right here on this page, where you can find everything you need for the creative projects involving needle and thread. Here you will find sewing accessories in many different categories, for example, zippers or accessories for  various projects such as stuffing for teddy bears or rulers for patchwork.

You can also find accessories for sewing itself, e.g., sewing needles, straight pins and sewing tools, along with everything in sewing thread with respect to both colours and materials.

We have gathered all this and more right here on the page, where you can easily navigate between the different categories by clicking on them at the top of the page.

Vlieseline for stiffening your textiles

A popular accessory for sewing projects is Vlieseline interlining. Vlieseline is difficult to pronounce but easy to use, and is a good choice for those who need a practical material for a figure or a garment, for example.

Vlieseline is used to stiffen textiles when the fabric is not stiff enough to maintain a desired position. If you also have a project where you need to make a piece of textile stiffer, Vlieseline is thus the way forward.

For example, if you want embroidery to appear clear and flat on a pillow or bag, or in any other situation where your textiles are not stiff enough and do not maintain the desired shape.

It is easy to use: you just need to iron it on the fabrics you want to reinforce. Once you have ironed on your interlining with a piece of fabric, you are basically finished and enjoy a fabric with added stiffness.

That is why Vlieseline is a popular product in sewing, and you will find it useful in many projects. It is worth keeping a piece or roll of Vlieseline in stock in your hobby room, so you can always find it when you need to reinforce a piece of fabric for a project.

Here at Creativ Hobby, you can buy Vlieseline in rolls of different sizes and lengths, so you can get the quantity that suits your needs.

Large selection of sewing accessories for your sewing projects

Sewing is a fun activity where you can create many beautiful decorative objects. But sewing is also a practical skill that is very useful for those who want to sew their own clothes or add extra pieces to existing textiles.

Most garments are assembled with needle and thread,  still the tecnique of choice even though sewing has been around for about 25,000 years.

For this reason, sewing is fundamental if you want to make your own trousers, dresses and similar, and it gives you many options for repairing existing textiles. With needle and thread, you can quickly fix a sleeve that is about to fall off, or you can patch a hole in your old trousers. Sewing is also the easy way to improve or alter clothing.

Of course, for all of this you need the right sewing accessories. That is why we strive to offer all sorts of sewing accessories for clothes, where you can find smart zippers, practical reflectors, buttons, patches for holes and much more.

With zippers and other sewing accessories, you can make some beautiful, professional-looking textiles  while having the opportunity to make some inexpensive clothes for your children, repair their old ones and design unique clothes for yourself.

Sewing options and sewing accessories are many, so you can definitely get a few good ideas for a future project by checking out our assortment of sewing accessories on this page.

Be inspired for your next creative sewing project

If you love fun, creative projects that offer plenty of opportunities for variations and the use of beautiful colours and gorgeous materials, then sewing is just the right hobby for you. There is hardly anything you can't create with sewing, so all you have to do is unleash your imagination and get creative when you want to start a new project.

But maybe you need a good idea to get started? If you are looking for some inspiration, you are always welcome to check out our idea catalogue, where you can find lots of good ideas for using your sewing accessories when you want to be creative.

All projects in our idea catalogue are free to use, and as you will find a detailed guide in each project, it is easy for everyone to start being creative. In addition, each project comes with a shopping list so you can quickly buy all materials together, saving a lot of time that you can spend being creative instead.

That’s why we at Creativ Company encourage you to look in our idea catalogue if you need a good idea for your next sewing project.

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Sewing accessories and tools