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Most people easily disappear into a fantasy world when they are given coloured pencils, crayons and markers. Even small children can create pretty, colourful works, and older children and adults especially love working with exciting techniques and markers. We have Craft kits for all ages – even for very young children from the age of three, who can use our ergonomic crayons to strengthen their fine motor skills, concentration, and imagination. Using our Craft Kit, older children can learn to draw step by step. Alcohol-based drawing markers are the perfect drawing companions for children and adults who take their illustrations seriously, or who just want their drawings and colouring on white paper to look razor sharp. Alcohol-based drawing markers can be used together to create a special, pretty design in your colourful drawings.
Craft Kits for all ages
Drawing is for everyone, which is why we have Craft kits for all ages. Find drawing kits for young children in kindergarten, older school-going children, young people, and adults who love to be creative.
Our kits give you everything you need including all products, guides, videos and more.
Learn new techniques
Do you love drawing? With our Starter Craft Kits with alcohol-based drawing markers, you can learn new, exciting drawing and painting techniques.
Scan the QR code and find videos that guide the children through the activity and teach them different techniques.
Learn new techniques
Do you love drawing? With our Starter Craft Kits with alcohol-based drawing markers, you can learn new, exciting drawing and painting techniques.
Scan the QR code and find videos that guide the children through the activity and teach them different techniques.
15% welcome code
Sign up for the newsletter from Creativ Company and recieve a 15% discount code for your next purchase.*
*The discount code applies only to hobby items and not to news, already reduced items or Cricut products | The offer is only available to private customers
Your online craft store
At Creativ Company, we love creativity, play and learning. We have approximately 20,000 exciting craft items, which makes us one of the largest online craft stores. Find inspiration for your next craft project in our more than 4,500 free, creative ideas for both children and adults. We sell creative materials and toys to both private individuals, schools/institutions and B2B customers.