Stone clay robot universe
Build the coolest robots with springs, antennae and other fun details. Shape the parts out of stone clay, Silk Clay® and Foam Clay® and then decorate with pipe cleaners and beads – only the imagination sets the limits. All modelling compounds are self-hardening, so the robots are ready to play with after a short drying time.
How to do it

5 Attach the clay ball to it. Roll a piece of Silk Clay® and use it to cover the space between the ball and the spring.

9 Mould the head out of stone clay and insert the antennae. Roll two balls out of Silk Clay® and press the eyes firmly into them.

21 Cut a piece of pipe cleaner and add a bead. Attach the pipe cleaner to the head with a piece of foam clay.

22 Roll two balls out of Foam Clay® and attach the eyes to them. Make the mouth by rolling a small piece of Foam Clay® and attaching a bead to it.

27 Make the head by rolling a ball out of stone clay. Roll a piece of Silk Clay® into a circle and place the head on top.

28 Roll another piece of Silk Clay®, attach it to the head and press the metal cap into it to secure it.

32 Insert the arms into the body. Attach the antenna and eyes with a piece of Foam Clay® and decorate with a marker.

34 Cover the polystyrene ball with stone clay. Press the ball into the clay to create a flat bottom.

38 Attach the antenna to the robot with a piece of Silk Clay® and then attach the self-adhesive eyes.

46 Put a small piece of Silk Clay® on the back of the eyes. Attach the eyes to the dome with a little sticky base.

47 Make wheels out of Foam Clay® and add beads to them. Attach the wheels to the dome with a little sticky base.

48 Cut two pieces of pipe cleaner to make antennae. Put a piece of Foam Clay® on the ends and add a bead.

54 Make this mini computer out of stone clay, for example. The screen is made of Silk Clay® and the keyboard consists of beads, small Foam Clay® balls and buttons made with marker.
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