Pipe Cleaner Spring Bouquet


If you want to learn how to make a beautiful bouquet of pipe cleaner flowers, you’ve come to the right place. Videos show you how to make five different types of flowers out of soft pipe cleaners – and how to give them beautiful details with stamp ink.

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How to do it
How to make a bouquet of pipe cleaner flowers   Get step-by-step instructions on how to make the entire bouquet. Watch the process for the different flowers and make three of each, which you then assemble into a bouquet.
Rose   The rose is made with 8 pink and 5 green pipe cleaners, as well as a florist wire and floral tape.
Lily   For the lily, you use 12 pink, 1 white and 2 green pipe cleaners, as well as flower stamens, stamp ink, florist wire and floral tape.
Mini daisy   A cluster of three flowers is made with 5 light blue and 1 green pipe cleaner, as well as white flower stamens, florist wire and floral tape.
Marguerite daisy   A cluster of three flowers is made with 9 purple pipe cleaners, 1 pink pipe cleaners for the centre and 3 green pipe cleaners, as well as florist wire and floral tape.
Cala lily   For the calla lily, you use 6 pipe cleaners in white, 1 in pink and 4 in green, as well as stamp ink, florist wire and floral tape.
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If you want to learn how to make a beautiful bouquet of pipe cleaner flowers, you’ve come to the right place. Videos show you how to make five different types of flowers out of soft pipe cleaners – and how to give them beautiful details with stamp ink.

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