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Many children love going outside to play. Here, there is plenty of room for creativity, imagination and adventure. That’s why we also offer a large selection of outdoor toys that the whole family can gather around – both big and small. Check out our selection of yo-yos, skipping ropes, frisbees, kites, bats, pinwheels and more. The toys are perfect for spring and summer, when the kids can be outside in the garden or nature. Children can decorate the toys themselves with craft paint or markers – and if they want, they can also draw on the asphalt with colourful street chalk. Whatever you choose, creative outdoor play is a surefire hit with all children.
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Your online craft store
At Creativ Company, we love creativity, play and learning. We have approximately 20,000 exciting craft items, which makes us one of the largest online craft stores. Find inspiration for your next craft project in our more than 4,500 free, creative ideas for both children and adults. We sell creative materials and toys to both private individuals, schools/institutions and B2B customers.