Be creative on wood

Wood can be decorated with lots of different materials, from paint to modelling compounds. This page contains tips for getting creative with wood – everything from boxes and crates to wooden figures – and much more. Have fun with your next creative wood project.

Decorate with an electric wood burning tool

Burn patterns and text into the wood's surface with an electric wood burning tool. The size of the needle determines the width of the line. If you like, you can paint the wood afterwards with a thin layer of paint so that the burnt areas can still be seen.

Decorate with an electric wood burning tool

Burn patterns and text into the wood's surface with an electric wood burning tool. The size of the needle determines the width of the line. If you like, you can paint the wood afterwards with a thin layer of paint so that the burnt areas can still be seen.

Paint with acrylic paint

Decorate the wooden pieces with an opaque acrylic paint, for example Plus Color craft paint. Apply with a brush or sponge and add details with stamps or the Plus Color marker pen variant.

Paint with acrylic paint

Decorate the wooden pieces with an opaque acrylic paint, for example Plus Color craft paint. Apply with a brush or sponge and add details with stamps or the Plus Color marker pen variant.

Decorate with yarn

Decorate different textiles using the popular tufting technique. Turn the fabric inside out, draw your own pattern, tighten the embroidery frame around the fabric and you’re ready to tuft. Once you’re finished your design, you can attach the yarn with glue. 

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Decorate different textiles using the popular tufting technique. Turn the fabric inside out, draw your own pattern, tighten the embroidery frame around the fabric and you’re ready to tuft. Once you’re finished your design, you can attach the yarn with glue. 

Decoupage with decoupage glue/varnish

You can use decoupage glue/varnish to decorate the surface with decoupage paper, napkins, glazed paper, patchwork fabric etc. Choose different decoupage varnishes depending on the effect you wish to create (matte, glossy, glitter or for fabric). You can paint the wood first if you like.

Decoupage with decoupage glue/varnish

You can use decoupage glue/varnish to decorate the surface with decoupage paper, napkins, glazed paper, patchwork fabric etc. Choose different decoupage varnishes depending on the effect you wish to create (matte, glossy, glitter or for fabric). You can paint the wood first if you like.

Cover with modelling compounds

Create exciting figures, surfaces and 3D effects with the self-hardening modelling compounds Silk Clay, Foam Clay and Pearl Clay, which mould and stick easily to the absorbent surface of the wood.

Cover with modelling compounds

Create exciting figures, surfaces and 3D effects with the self-hardening modelling compounds Silk Clay, Foam Clay and Pearl Clay, which mould and stick easily to the absorbent surface of the wood.

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