Elves around a table made from egg trays


Make a Christmas decoration from an egg tray. Paint and decorate the egg tray so that it depicts elves gathered around a table with rice pudding.

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How to do it
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1   Cut an egg tray into a square section with 9 peaks. Paint the outer peaks with red Plus Color craft paint and paint the peak in the middle with grey Plus Color craft paint. Leave to dry.
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2   Cut 4-5 peaks away from the egg tray for elves' hats and paint them with red or pink Plus Color craft paint. When dry, attach a pom-pom onto the top of each elf hat with a blob of Sticky Base.
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3   You may make dots on the elves' hats with the end of a brush handle dipped in paint.
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4   Make the elves' heads by pushing a wooden flower stick into a polystyrene ball. Paint polystyrene ball with craft paint and leave to dry.
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5   Cut small pieces of yarn for the hair and attach these onto the polystyrene heads. Attach the elves' hats on top. Use Sticky Base as a glue, applying it with your fingers.
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6   Draw facial features with Plus Color markers. Don't push too hard as this marker is a pump action paint marker. Leave to dry.
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7   Cut a 7cm diameter circle from card to form a table top. Cut a small bowl and spoons from the left over egg tray.
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8   Mix some rice with a blob of Sticky Base and place the 'rice pudding' in the bowl. Attach the bowl and the spoons onto the table top using Sticky Base.
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9   Attach the heads onto the square painted egg box section using a glue gun or Sticky Base. If you want to use Sticky Base, you will need to support the heads during the drying process as Sticky Base is slow drying. Attach the table top onto the grey peak in the middle.
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Variant   You may place an LED tea light onto the table instead of the bowl of rice pudding.
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