Elf is having a pizza picnic
Make it look like the elf is having a pizza picnic. Make elf-sized pizza boxes and small Christmas pizzas in Silk Clay®. Use a piece of red checked fabric as a picnic blanket and arrange the pizzas on nice wooden cutting boards.
How to do it Download the templates/recipes
2 Fold the boxes. Fold along the fold lines. If necessary, use a ruler to create a perfectly straight edge.
6 Make cheese for the pizzas. Mix white and yellow Silk Clay® to get the right colour for the cheese.
11 "Use your imagination to create the toppings or shape small pieces of pepperoni, olives and yellow and green pepper.
Important: Because these are very small pieces, the Silk Clayen® will dry quickly. If the toppings get a little too dry to stick to the pizza dough, you can easily stick them with a new piece of cheese as 'glue'. Keep the Silk Clay® containers tightly closed – and the cheese piece covered."
Important: Because these are very small pieces, the Silk Clayen® will dry quickly. If the toppings get a little too dry to stick to the pizza dough, you can easily stick them with a new piece of cheese as 'glue'. Keep the Silk Clay® containers tightly closed – and the cheese piece covered."
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