Eggs decorated with watercolours and deco foil


Decorate eggs in a bag with rice and liquid watercolours. Decorate further with a glue pen and deco foil.

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How to do it
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1   Make the yellow eggs by putting approx. 20 g rice into a plastic bag, adding approx. 1.5 ml of the colour called 'warm yellow' watercolour to the bag. You may add another couple of drops of the watercolour if the rice is very absorbent.
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2   Mix the rice and watercolour thoroughly and put the egg in the plastic bag.
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3   Shake the bag and knead the egg thoroughly into the coloured rice until the egg has absorbed the colour. Take the egg out of the plastic bag and leave to dry for a couple of minutes.
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4   Whilst the egg is drying, add a couple of drops of brown watercolour to the yellow colour in the plastic bag. This creates a contrasting colour to the pure yellow colour. Shake the plastic bag to mix the colours.
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5   Place the egg back in the plastic bag and squeeze it into the dark rice until you have achieved a uniform effect on the entire egg. Take the egg out of the plastic bag and leave to dry.
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6   Once the egg is dry, decorate it with glue foil. Apply a thin layer of glue from the glue pen.
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7   Leave the glue until it is tacky; i.e. it's still sticky, but doesn't stick to the fingers when touched. Place the deco foil on top and rub hard to attach it onto the glue.
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8   Carefully remove the deco foil. A tip: you may repeat the process several times in case you want more deco foil in the same place. Apply more glue, leave to dry almost completely and place the deco foil on top. Rub hard to attach the deco foil onto the glue.
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9   For the dark pink eggs, mix rice and pink watercolour. Add a couple of drops of brown watercolour to the pink watercolour and repeat the procedure described in the previous steps.
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