Earrings with Flowers from Rocaille Seed Beads


Size 3 rocaille seed beads are threaded onto a piece of jewellery wire. Flowers are made as you go along using a simple technique. A French earwire is attached afterwards.

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How to do it
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1   Cut a 20-25 cm piece of jewellery wire. Using long chain nose pliers, squeeze a crimp bead around the end of the wire. Thread three gold beads onto the jewellery wire (these form the space between each flower).
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2   Making the flower: four rose and one gold bead. Push the needle through the first rose bead and tighten (= half a flower).
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3   Add another three rose beads and push the needle through the bead above.
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4   Continue with three gold beads (for the space between each flower) and flowers until you have made six flowers. Finish with a crimp bead. Attach a French earwire and a round jump ring in the middle of the jewellery wire, so that there are three flowers on each side.
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5   An alternative option: Assemble the ends by squeezing the bead tips around the crimp beads at each end and then gather these with a round jump ring and a French earwire.
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