Decorate a soap dish and soap dispenser with pressed flowers
Dekorer en sæbeskål og sæbedispenser af glas med pressede, tørrede blomster. Lim de tørrede blomster og blade på med decoupagelak til glas og porcelæn. Hærd ikke dekorationen i ovn, da blomsterne bliver brune.
How to do it

1 Place the dried flowers and leaves on a plastic pocket or similar and carefully apply a coat of decoupage lacquer onto the back using a pointed brush. You may use tweezers when handling and moving the delicate dried flowers.

2 Place the dried flowers and leaves onto the glass item (with the back of the flowers and leaves facing the glass) and carefully apply a coat of decoupage lacquer onto the front of the dried flowers and leaves to seal them. The lacquer should also be applied approx. 1 mm outside the flowers and leaves to make sure they stick onto the glass.

3 Use a cotton bud or a small piece of kitchen roll wrapped around the end of a brush handle in order to remove excess decoupage lacquer. Apply another coat of decoupage lacquer when the first coat is dry.
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