Crocheted mini elves' hats for wooden mice


Crochet these small elves' hats from cotton yarn for wooden mice as cosy Christmas decorations.

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How to do it
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1   Print out and follow the crochet pattern which is available as a separate PDF file on this page.
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2   Sew the hats together with a yarn needle as shown in the photo.
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3   Make a white tassel for the elf's hat using a fork as shown in this photo. Wrap a piece of white cotton yarn around the bottom of the tassel for it to keep its shape. Cut the other end open with a pair of scissors.
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4   Tie the tassel onto the top of the elf's hat with the starting piece of red cotton yarn.
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5   Cut pieces of jute wire for the tails and attach them onto the wooden mice with hobby glue. Twist the tail around a pencil to make a coil. Cut the stalk off a pair of plastic eyes and attach them onto the mouse with hobby glue. A tip: the tail for the large mouse is approx. 14 cm and the tail for the small mouse is approx. 8 cm.
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Crochet pattern   -
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