Braided Bracelet from Cotton Cord with Beads shaped like Flowers


This bracelet is braided from cotton cord. Different colour beads are threaded onto the cords making large flowers as you go along.

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How to do it
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1   Attach a piece of cotton cord measuring approx. 40 cm onto the clip of the clip board. Braid a 150 cm piece of cord around the 40 cm middle cord (alternating with braiding knots over and under it). For further instructions for braiding, see inspiration number 12499 on our website.
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2   Braid the knots alternately over and under the middle cord. Braid a small section and thread beads onto each of the three cords to make the first flower; three beads onto the middle cord, two onto both of the outer cords.
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3   Tighten the cords and continue with the braiding.
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4   The distance between each flower depends on your own taste.
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5   Secure the two outer cords onto the braiding with a tapestry needle when the desired length is reached.
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6   Place the middle cords parallel and braid another piece of cord over the two middle cords as shown. Secure the ends onto the braiding following the same procedure as described in step 5.
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7   Decorate both loose ends with a bead secured with a knot.
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