Beading hoop earrings with macramé pendants


Make these macramé pendants from bamboo cord on beading hoop earrings. Start the braiding in the middle and then braid into a point from both sides.

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How to do it
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1   Cut six 35 cm pieces of bamboo cord. Double them over and tie them around the beading hoop with the Lark's head knot (Frivolite knot). In the instructions the cords are referred to a cord No. 1 to 12 from the left.
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2   Start in the middle by braiding loop knots. Hold cord 6 taut and – with cord 5 – braid two knots as shown in the photo. A loop knot consists of two windings. The first part is made by moving cord 5 over the taut cord 6 and into the large loop as shown at the top of the photo. Tighten thus creating half a knot. Make the second part of the knot by moving the loose cord (cord 5) over the taut cord 6 and into the loop. Tighten. See the drawing in step 13 for further guidance.
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3   Keep cord 7 taut and make two knots with cord 8, following the description in step 2.
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4   Keep cord 4 taut and make two knots with cord 3 following the description in step 2.
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5   Make a knot around cord 4 with cord 5 and cord 6. Keep cord 4 taut towards the middle.
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6   Keep cord 9 taut towards the middle and make a knot with cords 10, 8 and 7. Finish the point with a knot around cord 9 using cord 4.
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7   Keep cord 2 taut towards the middle and make knots with cords 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
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8   Keep cord 11 taut towards the middle and make knots with cords 12,10, 9, 8 and 7.
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9   Make the point by holding cord 11 taut, making a knot with cord 2.
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10   Measure 3 cm from the point. Trim all the cords horizontally as shown in the photo. As an alternative you may cut the cords very short, letting them follow the shape of the pendant.
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11   Unravel the cord ends using the tip of a pair of scissors or a needle.
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12   Dip the unravelled cord ends in water. Leave them to dry and brush them with, for example, a dishwashing brush. The pendant is now finished.
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13   Make loop knots by winding each individual cord twice around a taut cord to make a knot. The taut cord is held in one hand whilst winding the other cord with the other hand. Tighten after each knot.
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