Angels made from Polystyrene


These lovely little cherubs are made from flat, oval shaped polystyrene balls which are put onto a stick and painted with Plus Color craft paint. The hair is made from lametta and the wings are made from a paper plate folded in half.

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How to do it
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1   Fold the paper plate in half and paint it with Plus Color craft paint.
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2   Paint three different sizes of oval polystyrene balls with Plus Color craft paint (one large, one medium and two small). Insert a flower stick in the largest polystyrene ball which is the body. Draw a face on the medium size ball.
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3   Arrange some lametta in a bundle and gather it in the middle with a piece of floral wire. The ends of the floral wire will be used for inserting into the angel's head.
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4   Glue the angel parts together.
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5   Push the floral wire ends with the lametta hair into the head.
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6   Shape a halo with half a gold or silver pipe cleaner and push it into the angel's head.
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Another variant: Pixies   Use the same technique as above for making pixies. Instead of wings use 1/4 of a paper plate to make a pixie hat.
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