Angels made from Pipe Cleaners, Silk Clay and Nabbi Fuse Beads


These angels are made from pipe cleaner skeletons with Nabbi fuse beads which are also used for halos. Bodies, heads, hands, feet and further details are modelled from Silk Clay. Wings made from metal wire and fine netting are pushed on.

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How to do it
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1   Make a skeleton from two pipe cleaners. A short one (for the arms) and a long one (for the body and legs) which is doubled over and twisted for approx. 1/3 of its length. This is placed in the middle of the short pipe cleaner.
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2   Shape a head with facial features and hair. Push a pipe cleaner into the head for the neck. Leave to dry.
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3   Twist one end of the pipe cleaner with the head around the body.
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4   Shape a body from Silk Clay and cover the body.
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5   Thread Nabbi fuse beads onto the long pipe cleaner limbs. Leave the ends bare for hands and feet.
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6   Shape hands and feet/shoes from Silk Clay and push them onto the figure.
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7   Make a halo from a pipe cleaner with Nabbi fuse beads and push it onto the head. Push the wings onto the angel's back.
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