A woven Bracelet with Rocaille Seed Beads


Both of these designs are made with small glass beads threaded onto jewellery wire which is then woven between two pieces of waxed cotton cord. One bracelet is fastened with a braided fastening and the other with sliding adjustable knots.

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How to do it
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1   Cut a 70 cm piece of 1 mm cotton cord. Double over the cotton cord and attach the loop end with a suitable space (measure according to the beads) onto a clip board. Cut a 150 cm piece of jewellery wire and thread 5 rocaille seed beads onto the middle. Place the jewellery wire with the beads underneath the two horizontal cords and then up and over them from each side and through the row of beads.
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2   Continue by threading another 5 new rocaille seed beads onto the jewellery wire - first from one side and then from the other side, so the wires cross. At the sides, the wires are placed underneath the cord. (The pattern is made by varying the colour and the order of the beads).
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3   Finish when the desired length is reached. Tie a double knot with the jewellery wire at each side.
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4   Remove the bracelet from the clip board and tie a knot at each end with the cotton cord close to the woven sections. Make a braided fastening by crossing the cords as shown and then braid with a new piece of cord. Alternatively you may make sliding adjustable knots. See the jewellery school on our website for further instructions (ideas No. 12544 and 12499).
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Another example   Using rows consisting of 5 rocaille seed beads results in a 8 mm wide bracelet.
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