A space rocket and an alien from cardboard tubes decorated with craft materials


Make a space rocket and an alien from toilet rolls or other cardboard tubes decorated with craft materials such as paper, pom-poms, pipe cleaners etc. Attach all the parts with Sticky Base so that the children won't have to use a hot glue gun.

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How to do it
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1   Attach a piece of paper around the cardboard tube. Apply Sticky Base at the start and the end of the paper and press the paper onto the tube.
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2   Trim the paper to the length of the cardboard tube.
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3   Cut out the templates from glitter paper and fold to make the top of the space rocket.
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4   Attach the top to the cardboard tube with Sticky Base. Fold the wings as shown in the photo and attach them onto the cardboard tube with Sticky Base.
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5   Finish by attaching a foam rubber circle onto the front.
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6   Make an alien by attaching a piece of paper around the tube. Wrap pipe cleaners around the tube and around themselves to stay in place. Trim the ends.
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7   Wrap a piece of pipe cleaner around a pencil or similar to make a coil. Fold in the middle and attach onto the inside of the tube. Attach pom-poms onto both ends of the pipe cleaner. Make a nose by rolling a small piece of pipe cleaner into a coil. Attach onto the tube with a small blob of Sticky Base.
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