A soap dish and a soap dispenser decorated with porcelain markers


Draw lavender on a porcelain soap dish and a porcelain soap dispenser using glass & porcelain markers. Leave the decoration to dry for 8 hours before fixing in a household oven to make it dishwasher safe at a low temperature.

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How to do it
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1   Wash the porcelain items thoroughly so that the surface is completely grease-free and dry before decorating. Draw guide lines with a pencil on the porcelain item. Draw small pencil lines 4 cm apart on the soap dish and draw the lavender between the pencil lines. Draw 4.5 cm diameter circles on the soap dispenser.
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2   Shake the porcelain marker and pump the ink into the tip. Draw test lines on a different surface until the marker is ready. Draw the purple lavender buds as small dots as shown in the picture. You may use a damp sponge for removing errors before the ink dries.
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3   Draw the stalk with a green porcelain marker, adding small lines for the leaves.
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4   Leave the decorated items to dry for 8 hours and then place them in a cold oven. Turn the oven on at 230°C. Turn the oven off after 40 min and leave the items in the oven with the oven door closed until the oven is cold. The items are now dishwasher safe at a low temperature.
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