A rectangular Paper Diamond made from Vivi Gade Vellum Paper


This diamond is folded from vellum origami paper and assembled without glue.

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1.   The square sheets in the Vivi Gade Design paper series have a different print on each side. Use two sheets for the diamond. Choose one design referred to as the “front side” in the instructions. Fold the paper (front side facing up) in both directions.
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2.   Unfold, turn over the paper, so the back is facing up. Fold the paper diagonally in both directions. Unfold.
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3.   Using the score lines in the paper, fold it into a smaller square by pushing towards the middle from both sides as shown.
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4.   The result after step 3.
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5.   From the right side, lift the fold at the opening and push it flat towards the middle, diagonal score line, making a triangle. Fold the right side of the triangle over the left side of the triangle.
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6.   Make a new, similar fold to the right of the previous fold. Continue as shown all the way round.
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7.   Press the eight folds as sharply at the edges as possible. Repeat these seven steps on the second sheet of paper.
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8.   The two sheets of paper are now turned into two parts of “pointed hats”. Make a hole in each tip and thread a piece of leather cord through the holes.
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9.   Assemble the two parts in the folds of the pleat as shown.
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10.   Give the assembled paper diamond a slight push to “lock” when all the folds are hidden.
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