A Portrait made as Mono Print with Caran d´Ache Neocolor II


Children's personal and intuitive intelligence is enhanced by this creative project when creating self-portraits and at the same time trying a new technique. When children depict themselves, they increase their self-awareness (self-wise). When working with prints, they experiment with new creative techniques where they must predict what happens when they place the moist piece of drawing paper on top of the hard foil. This also enhances their intuition (intuitive intelligence).

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How to do it
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1   Use the transparent hard foil as a printing plate. Place it on top of a printed portrait and draw the facial contours with Neocolor II.
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2   Colour in the portrait with several layers of Neocolor II according to your taste. You may mix the colours together, creating different colours.
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3   Moisten a 120g piece of drawing paper with a wet sponge. NB: it must be wet but not dripping with water.
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4   Place the damp piece of drawing paper on top of the hard foil and smoothen it as much as possible with light taps using your whole hand.
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5   Remove the paper away from the hard foil and see the mirror image print which has been transferred. Leave to dry.
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A TIP!   Mono print means that it is not possible to make identical prints after the first one. But as there are often colour residue left on the print plate/hard foil, this can be used for another print or another variant.
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A TIP!   Continuing the previous tip, you may want to add more paint onto the hard foil. The effect of this is that the areas that will be printed for the second time, will appear much weaker, while the freshly painted areas will emerge very strongly.
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Another example   -
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Intuition-wise   Intuitive intelligence. Enhanced by activities in which children must use their abilities to sense what (perhaps) will happen, and by mind reading and thinking synchronously.
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Self-wise   Personal intelligence. Enhanced by activities in which children must use their self-awareness, the ability to act and make personal decisions in a way which is adapted to match their surroundings.
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