A painted, assembled and decorated wooden House


This wooden house consists of parts that are pushed out of a large board and painted with Plus Color craft paint. The pieces are then assembled and erected in the slots on a new board which is decorated with decoupage paper in several designs.

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Guide step %d
1   Push the parts out of the board.
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2   Divide the board with milled slots into 'indoor and outdoor areas'. Measure and cut decoupage paper for this and glue on the paper firmly with decoupage laquer. Leave to dry and cut away the paper in order to uncover the slots (See the next step).
Guide step %d
3   Use a brush and decoupage lacquer for smoothing out and attaching the paper for each slot.
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4   Paint the parts (avoid the slots and the tags) for the house as desired. Use Plus Color craft paint and preferably paint both sides. (A TIP: Coloured Plus Color craft paint can be made lighter by adding white paint of the same type). Leave to dry.
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5   Follow the assembly instructions for the house and assemble the parts.
Guide step %d
6   Paint any missed areas if necessary.
Guide step %d
7   Attach the roof at the end and then the fence (you may need to paint any missing areas).
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