A Needle-felted Picture


Children's physical-kinaesthetic intelligence is enhanced by this creative project when they use a felting needle to make a picture. Pushing the felting needle up and down repeatedly teaches the children how their fingers and hands interact with special tools in the creative process. Furthermore, children's existential intelligence is enhanced by this project when they felt a scene from a fairytale with a moral.

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How to do it
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1   Cut a piece of felt the same size as the needle felting foam pad. Place it on top of the pad as a background for the felting designs, which you are about to make. Attach small wads of wool onto the felt-covered needle felting foam pad by pushing the felting needle up and down repeatedly until the wool is felted in place securely onto the piece of felt.
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2   NB: you may want to make a rough work sketch to use as guidance before starting the process. This makes the wool look less abstract before it takes the shape of the designs in the picture.
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3   Finish by felting the entire picture with the felting needle once more, so that it appears thick and firm.
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Life-wise   Existential intelligence. Enhanced by activities in which children must use their abilities to recognise that life and existence are different for each individual child.
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Body-wise   Physical-kinaesthetic intelligence. Enhanced by activities in which children must use their physiognomy, physical strength and body to express ideas and feelings.
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