A Jam Jar Snow Globe with a Fimo Clay Figure, Water and Glitter


These snow globes are made from a screw-capped jam jar turned upside down. The figures inside are modelled from Fimo Kids and – once fixed in the oven – glued firmly onto the inside of the lid. The jars are filled with demineralised water and loose glitter. The lid is glued on.

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How to do it
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1   Make a figure from Fimo Kids according to your imagination. Make sure it fits in thejar lid and that you don't make it too tall.
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2   Place the finished figure in a household oven at 130°C for 30 minutes.
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3   With help from an adult, glue the figure onto the inside of the lid (use water resistant super glue).
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4   Sprinkle glitter into the jar (you choose how much).
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5   Fill the jar to the rim with tap water and some glycerine. A TIP: preferably de-mineralised water which is free from bacteria and therefore lasts longer (this, and glycerine, are available from the chemist). The glycerine makes the glitter fall gently when shaking the jar.
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6   Apply Clear Multi Glue onto the rim of the lid and screw the lid with the glued on figure onto the jar.
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7   Shake the jar to see the effect.
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