A felt Christmas mouse with a present


Make this Christmas mouse from felt. Attach a piece of knitted tube (cut open) for a scarf around its neck and attach a Christmas present in its arms.

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How to do it
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1   Cut out all the felt parts using the template which is available as a separate PDF on this page.
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2   Sew the loose leg parts onto the leg/body cut-outs.
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3   Sew the two leg/body parts together along the back.
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4   Sew the tummy part to the body and the legs on one side.
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5   Sew the tummy part onto the other side.
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6   Sew on the tail at the joint at the back at the same time as sewing on the base.
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7   Sew the base onto the body all the way around.
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8   Turn outside in with the right side facing out.
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9   Fill the bottom of the Christmas mouse with plastic pellets.
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10   Fill the body with polyester stuffing.
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11   Sew the ears together so that they are grey on the back and white on the front.
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12   Turn the ears outside in with the right side facing out and sew pleats at the bottom of the ears as shown in the photo.
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13   Sew the sides of the head and the neck together.
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14   Sew the ears onto the top of the head, approx. 8 cm from the nose.
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15   Sew the head with the ears onto the sides of the head.
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16   Turn outside in with the right side facing out.
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17   Sew the head onto the body but leave an opening at the back of the head. Fill the head with lots of polyester stuffing.
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18   Sew the opening together at the back of the neck with small stitches.
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19   Tie the scarf around the neck. Sew on wooden beads for the eyes and a black pom-pom for the nose.
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20   Cut two 5 x 25 cm pieces of Kraft card. Fold a box as shown in the photo and glue it together.
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21   Cover the box with felt attached with a glue gun.
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22   Cut two long strips of felt for the ribbon and glue these onto the present. Finish by glueing the present onto the mouse's arms.
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