A faux leather paper basket with a crocheted raffia paper yarn edge


Make a faux leather paper basket with crocheted edge from raffia paper yarn. Use a screw punch for making the holes along the edge for crocheting.

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How to do it
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1   Print and cut out the template which is available as a separate PDF file on this page. The template consists of one of the basket sides as well as a hole template for the crocheting holes.
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2   Cut an approx. 35 x 35 cm piece of faux leather paper. Iron the faux leather paper with a damp tea towel placed on top to smooth it out with an iron on middle setting. Copy the template onto faux leather paper using a pencil. Place the template edge to edge four times as shown in the photo and cut out.
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3   Score the folding lines with a bone folder.
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4   Rub out the pencil lines from the bottom of the basket.
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5   Score he folding lines in the base of the basket using the bone folder.
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6   Fold all the edges with the folds face out as shown in the photo.
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7   Cut the hole template from faux leather paper and make 10 holes with a screw punch.
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8   Place the template along the top edge of the basket and make holes with a screw punch all the way around.
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9   Use the triangular hole template to make the holes for the folds. Make 5 holes with a screw punch.
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10   Place the template along the edge of the folds and make 5 holes along the folds as shown in the photo.
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11   Divide the raffia paper yarn in half before sewing. You will need approx. 25 cm raffia paper yarn for sewing each corner.
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12   Thread a piece of raffia paper yarn onto a yarn needle and start sewing from the inside through the first hole.
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13   Sew through the next hole and then through the second hole from the top on the other side.
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14   Sew the folds together in every other hole.
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15   Sew back through every other hole finishing in the first hole.
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16   Finish with a knot.
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17   Feed raffia paper yarn though one of the holes along the top edge of the basket. Use a No. 3 crochet hook.
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18   Crochet all the way along the top edge using edging stitches.
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19   Finish by pulling the paper raffia through the last two stitches.
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20   Finish with a knot.
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