A braided Wall Hanging with Macramé from Cotton Tube Yarn


This braided wall hanging is made with macramé knots and is hung using cotton tube yarn on a natural stick.

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How to do it
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1   Cut 14 pieces of cotton tube yarn, each measuring 275 cm. Double them over and tie them around the stick as illustrated in the photo.
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2   Begin with the two middle doubled-over pieces of cotton tube yarn. Tie a knot consisting of two knots (a reef knot).
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3   Now braid the two next doubled-over pieces of cotton tube yarn on either side a bit further down.
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4   Tie a reef knot in the middle.
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5   Continue like this all the way down and to the right. A total of seven reef knots.
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6   Repeat in the other side (to the left).
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7   Fill in with reef knots in between, creating half a diamond shape.Now tie reef knots and mirror the shape.
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8   Now tie reef knots and mirror the shape. Finish with the reef knot in the middle. Now the diamond shape is complete.
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9   Tie knots on all the ends and trim, making them shortest in the middle and longer towards each side.
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10   Tie a piece of cotton tube yarn onto the two loops on either end of the natural stick.
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