A braided bracelet made from bamboo cord with a wooden button


Braid these stripy, twisted bracelets from thin bamboo cord. Add wooden buttons in matching colours for further decoration.

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How to do it
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1   Cut three 50 cm bamboo cords (for example two white and one red). Cut two 90 cm bamboo cords (one red and one white). Tie a knot with all five cords approx. 2 cm from one end and another knot 5 cm from the first knot as shown in the photo.
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2   Attach the bamboo cords onto a macramé board. Secure the 2nd knot in the small metal clip on the macramé board. Place the 3 short cords in the middle and the two long cords on either side. You will be using the long cords for braiding the stripes.
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3   Make a braiding knot around the three cords in the middle as shown in the photo. Repeat this braiding knot for 4-5 cm. As you will be braiding around the middle cords, you will need to turn the braiding at the metal clip as you go along.
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4   Thread a button onto one of the three cords in the middle. Continue braiding from underneath the edge of the button for another 4-5 cm. Finish by making two gathering knots like the ones you made at the start; i.e. tying two knots with all the cords approx. 5 cm apart.
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5   Arrange the two ends (each consisting of three cords) over each other in parallel. Make an adjustable knot as shown in the photo by braiding around the six cords with a new piece of red bamboo cord for 2-3 cm around the ends.
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6   Finish the adjustable knot with a reef knot. Trim the ends and secure the reef knot with Clear Multi Glue Gel. Avoid putting glue onto the other cords. Leave to dry completely. A tip: Adults may use instant glue as an alternative.
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