A braided book mark made from bamboo cord


Braid a lovely book mark from 1 mm bamboo cord. Use two different braiding knots which are repeated in different ways. The finished book mark measures approx. 2.5 x 14 cm without the loose cords at both ends. You will need a total of 7.5 metres of bamboo cord.

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How to do it
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1   Cut 12 pieces of bamboo cord each measuring 60 cm and tie them together with a knot at one end. Attach the knot to a metal clip on the macramé board, ensuring that all cords are lying down flat. You may attach a piece of sticky tape to keep the cords in place. In the instructions, the cords are referred to as cord No. 1 to 12 from the left towards the right.
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2   Start in the middle by braiding loop knots (a loop knot consists of making two knots, i.e. two windings). Tie knots by moving cord 5 over the taut cord 6, under and up into the triangle twice as shown in the photo. Tighten cord 5 whilst keeping cord 6 taut. See the drawing in step 15 for further guidance.
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3   Continue like this with cords 4, 3, 2 and 1 around cord 6. Repeat this procedure at the opposite side, keeping cord 8 taut towards the right, braiding with cord 7 and then with cords 9, 10, 11 and 12.
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4   Arrange cord 5 and 7 in parallel and braid an ordinary macramé double knot with cords 4 and 9 around cords 5 and 7. Each double knot consists of two knots around two cords as shown in the photo. See the drawing in step 16 for further guidance.
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5   Continue braiding double knots with the other cords except cords 6 and 8 braiding a total of four double knots.
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6   Keep cord 6 taut towards the right and make loop knots around cord 6 with cords 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.
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7   Keep cord 8 taut towards the left and braid with cords 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 around cord 8, creating a diamond shape around the four macramé double knots.
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8   Assemble the diamond shape by keeping cord 8 taut and make loop knots with cord 6 as shown in the photo.
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9   Make another diamond shape by repeating step 2. Make soft curves with the cords as shown in the photo before braiding knots around cord 6.
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10   Repeat this procedure on the right hand side to make the next part of the diamond shape.
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11   Braid an extra row of loop knots (a loop knot consists of making two knots, i.e. two windings) along the first row; first on the left and then on the right. Weave the cords in pairs in the middle of this diamond shape over and under the other cords as shown in the photo – except the two outer cords on each side. These cords will be used for starting the lower part of the diamond shape, braiding two rows of loop knots.
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12   Repeat steps 2-11 to make another two diamond shapes. The finished book mark should consist of a total of 4 diamond-shaped braidings. Trim both ends of the book mark at 10 cm. Dip the cord ends in water which makes them soft and easier to assemble neatly.
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13   Wind a piece of cord around the tassels at each end. Secure with a double knot and trim the ends short to hide them inside the knot.
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14   As an alternative you may wind a piece of brass wire around the tassels at each end.
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15   Braid loop knots at an angle.
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16   Braid macramé double knots.
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