A Basket made from Faux Leather Paper Star Strips with Rivets


Make your own decorative basket from faux leather paper star strips and assemble it with rivets and glue.

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How to do it
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1   For the base: cut 13 faux leather paper star strips measuring 30.5 cm each and 10 faux leather paper star strips measuring 21.5 cm each. Place two short strips opposite each other and glue the 13 long strips onto the two short strips with a small gap between each as shown in the picture.
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2   Weave the remaining eight strips into the section with a 1.5 cm gap between each strip. Glue the ends onto the frame.
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3   Cut two 105.5 cm pieces of faux leather paper star strips for the top and the bottom of the basket. Cut 30 pieces of faux leather paper star strips, each measuring 16.5 cm. Arrange the two long strips in parallel and measure 1.5 cm from the edge. Glue the first of the 30 strips onto the two long strips. Measure 1.5 cm from the first glued-on strip and glue on the next strip. Repeat with all the strips. Don't trim the ends until the basket is assembled. Cut 32 faux leather paper star strips, each measuring 22.5 cm and cut the ends diagonally. Arrange these strips to form a cross on every other vertical strip. Set a rivet. Begin at the first vertical strip. Don't set rivets in the two crosses of the last vertical strip. Don't trim the ends as these are needed at the other end for assembly.
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4   Fold the woven section so that the ends are in the middle of one of the long sides. Mark the corners of the woven section onto the woven base section using a pencil, thus making a 30 x 20 cm square on the woven base section.
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5   Cut another 105.5 cm faux leather paper star strip and cut two 50 cm strips for handles. Fold the two short paper star strips to form the handles. Fix both ends to the basket by setting rivets along the long edge strip.
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6   Fold the bottom edge of the woven section. Make an incision for the fold in the corners. Assemble the woven section in the four corners by setting rivets. Use the pencil marks on the woven base section to identify the corners. Set a decorative rivet in the middle on all sides.
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7   Assemble the woven section by setting the remaining rivets in the crosses. Trim the excess strips. Glue on the ends of all the strips.
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8   Glue the woven base section onto the woven section.
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